

布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心
Rm 135 
莫斯科,ID 83844

MS 4253 


电子邮件: futurev和als@pazyrykcarpets.com

网络: 招生办公室

322 E. 前圣
博伊西,ID 83702

心d 'Alene, ID 83814

爱达荷瀑布,ID 83840


There is so much to do around 莫斯科 in North Idaho, Eastern Washington 和 beyond. 无论什么季节, 有散步的机会, 徒步旅行, 骑自行车, 滑雪, 雪鞋和更多. 我们知道你是个探险家. 所以,告诉我们:你想走多远?

帕卢斯轨迹 —的组合 比尔·奇普曼小径, 天堂之路拉塔路 能把你从普尔曼一路送到特洛伊吗, 但它也很适合做缩写, 景区穿越小镇. 对任何非机动交通工具开放.

Arboreta — Take a stroll through one of U of I’s two arboretums. 探索超过63英亩和17000株植物. The Shattuck Arboretum or "Old Arb" is on the north side of Nez Perce Drive, 较新的部分在南边.

PCEI自然中心 — the Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute has a multitude of trails around their headquarters including wetl和s, 户外艺术, 自行车道, 游戏区和更多.

市中心 -在大街上散步,伸展你的双腿. You might find something you need at one of the many small shops, many of which are 汪达尔校友所有的.

农贸市场 -五月至十月的星期六举行. You can get your healthy food fix 和 some fresh air at the same time. A great place to pick up lunch before heading to other outdoor adventures.

对抗莫斯科 — If the weather isn't cooperating for outdoor adventures, head to this indoor trampoline park to spend some time bouncing off the walls.

帕卢斯溜冰场 - 10月中旬至4月初开放. Strap on some skates (available for rent) 和 go to an open skate session or try out hockey or curling.

泉谷水库 远足、钓鱼或放松. 虹鳟鱼在春季和秋季被放养, 和 the reservoir contains a healthy population of smallmouth bass, 垃圾和太阳鱼. Walk on a trail that winds around the lake or camp near the water.

惰的休息 - This is a small cedar grove at the foot of 莫斯科山. There a variety of short 和 long 徒步旅行 trails, adding up to five miles of footpaths. The short drive 和 beautiful scenery make this a perfect afternoon destination.

莫斯科山 - A substantial 骑自行车/徒步旅行 trail system exists on 莫斯科山. Most of the trails are on private l和, so motorized uses are prohibited. Some of the best access sites from 莫斯科 are off Foothill Road 和 莫斯科山 Road. 体育中心的户外活动 有路线系统的地图和更多的信息吗.

维吉尔飞利浦农场公园 -一个历史悠久的农场和果园变成了县公园. 探索 habitats from forests to wetl和s to open fields. 两个野餐帐篷是可用的. An annual fall festival is held at the park with fresh cider, crafts 和 raptors on display.

风景公园 - This campground in Potlatch has exhibits highlighting area history. The campground is near 徒步旅行 trails in McCroskey State Park 和 Giant White Pine National Recreation Trail.

Kamiak孤峰 - This park is a National Natural L和mark located just north of Pullman, Washington. A picnic area 和 campground are situated at the base of the butte, 和 trails wind up to the summit with great views of the Palouse.

Laird公园 -这个露营地在清水国家森林. It has 31 sites 和 is open typically from mid-May to mid-September. 享受野餐区, 帕卢斯河上的游泳海滩, 还有很多远足和钓鱼的机会.

斯特普托孤峰 - This day-use park has picnic areas 和 an interpretive exhibit at the summit of the butte explaining the history of the area. Drive up to the summit for expansive views of the Palouse region.

地狱门州立公园 - Located just south of Lewiston on the banks of the Snake River, recreational opportunities are abundant 和 include 徒步旅行, 骑自行车, 钓鱼和游泳. 露营地和小木屋可供过夜. 游客中心突出了该地区的历史.

瓦瓦威县公园 - The park is a popular place to picnic 和 camp in the scenic Snake River valley. It has restrooms, a bird viewing platform 和 a half-mile interpretive 徒步旅行 trail. A small bay off the Snake River offers recreational opportunities for non-motorized boating 和 fishing.

帕卢斯分割滑雪区 - 访问 this Nordic ski area located on Highway 6 north of Potlatch for 20 miles of marked trails — many groomed by snowmobile.

海本州立公园 - Located on area Chatcolet Lake, this is one of the oldest state parks in the Pacific Northwest. Hiking, fishing, camping 和 boating opportunities abound, along with great views of the lake, St. 乔河和比特鲁特山脉. Also, a great place to bike the Trail of the 心d 'Alenes.

岩湖 - This is the largest natural lake in eastern Washington 和 boasts a variety of fishing opportunities. Fish species include brown 和 rainbow trout along with both largemouth 和 smallmouth bass. A private boat launch on the lake is operated by the Washington Department of Fish 和 Wildlife, 开放予公众使用.

帕卢斯瀑布 - 帕卢斯瀑布 is a 200-foot waterfall located in southeastern Washington. Besides the waterfall, the state park offers camping, picnicking 和 bird watching. 了解这个地区独特的地质历史.

麋鹿溪瀑布 - Hike to the tallest waterfall in the state of Idaho, with three falls totaling 140 feet. The bottom of the upper falls can be reached by a short spur trail, 和 two lower falls are best seen from viewing platforms along the trail.

水牛艾迪 - Take a scenic drive along the Snake River to see petroglyphs estimated to be 4,500 years old. There is also a short walking trail with information about the Nez Perce people.

Hobo雪松树林植物园 - Ramble along an interpretive trail through this 240-acre grove of western red cedar in the St. 乔国家森林. For longer hikes in the area, try the Marble Creek Trail system.

温彻斯特湖州立公园 - This is a small state park surrounding Winchester Lake. 它全年开放,全天使用. 活动包括露营、钓鱼和徒步旅行. 蒙古包和独木舟也可以出租. 这个公园在冬天有一条越野滑雪道.


布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心
Rm 135 
莫斯科,ID 83844

MS 4253 


电子邮件: futurev和als@pazyrykcarpets.com

网络: 招生办公室

322 E. 前圣
博伊西,ID 83702

心d 'Alene, ID 83814

爱达荷瀑布,ID 83840