

  1. 讲课和实验是分开的. Students get 3 credits 和 a grade for the lecture, 和, 如果在实验室注册, he/she gets 1 credit 和 a separate grade for the lab. 实验室 are not necessarily required to be taken. 咨询你的专业顾问.
  2. There are no labs during first week of the term; lab experiments start during second week.  Students will need to check BbLearn for information 和 instructions in order to prepare for the first meeting of the lab course.
  3. 实验室的主管是埃里克·福特. All questions should be directed to him at efoard@pazyrykcarpets.com (不是你的授课老师). The department chair should only be contacted if there is an unresolvable problem.
  4. 欲知更多资料, contact the department's Administrative Financial Specialist Jessica DeWitt 208-885-6380 or physics@pazyrykcarpets.com.


The following policies apply to the laboratory portions of 天文学 (PHYS 104), 物理学基础(PHYS 100), 普通物理学, 112)和工程物理(物理211), 212, 213).


  • 记事材料
  • Ability to access BbLearn outside of class to receive instructions 和 review materials.
  • Access to ability to save files remotely (may be available via student one-drive, etc.)


Each week the instructor will give a brief introduction to help you underst和 the goals 和 procedures of the current experiment. The data sheet at the end of each experiment in the manual will help guide you through the experiment 和 clarify what you are expected to accomplish. While you are performing the experiment, the instructor will be available to answer any questions which you might have. Before leaving at the end of each lab session, you must check out with your instructor. The instructor's initials on your data sheet will serve as verification that you attended, 积极参与, 和 left your work station clean 和 in good order.


Your lab grades will be based on your degree of participation in each week's activity, 你的结果的合理性, 你们实验室报告的质量, 还有定期小测验. Arriving to lab on time will be important, since quizzes will be given at the beginning of the lab session. Quizzes will test your preparation for the activity scheduled for that session 和 your underst和ing of the preceding activity. Each week's activity will be graded on a 20-point scale. Your total lab score will be converted to a percentage.

In contrast with recent previous semesters, the lecture (3 cr) 和 laboratory (1 cr) portions of these courses will receive separate letter grades. There will be 13 required laboratory activities during the semester, which must be completed by attending the scheduled laboratory sessions 和 submitting a lab report. An unexcused absence or failure to make up an excused absence will result in a score of 0 points for the missed activity. 除了, attendance for fewer than 13 activities will result in a lowering of the laboratory grade by one letter grade per missed activity.

There will be an opportunity to make up one missed lab during the last week of instruction, 12月10 - 14, 在你的常规实验室会议时间. 因正当理由缺席的, you may arrange for additional make-up opportunities with your instructor. If you know in advance that you cannot attend your regular section in a given week, you may make arrangements with your instructor to attend a different section that week.


实验报告, 包括图形和数据表, must be prepared using a word processor or other suitable software. The following elements must be included in each report:

  • 介绍: At least one paragraph describing the goal of the experiment, 背景信息, 实验装置, 以及使用的方法.
  • 数据与结果: This section will include the initialed data sheet plus any charts, graphs, tables, etc. that are asked for in the Laboratory Manual. You must also show the results of all calculations 和 the formulas used to obtain them.
  • 结论: At least one paragraph stating what you learned from the experiment. You must comment on 和 attempt to explain any errors you encountered. You should also explain why things happened the way they did 和 any measures you might take to improve the results.


Reports are due one week from the day they are performed at the START of the laboratory session. Late reports will be penalized as follows:

  • 1 day to 1 week late: 2 points deducted.
  • 1 week to 2 weeks late: 5 points deducted.
  • 2 weeks to 3 weeks late: 10 points deducted.
  • more than 3 weeks late: reports not accepted.

No reports will be accepted after the last day of "dead week."




875圆周大道,MS 0903



电子邮件: physics@pazyrykcarpets.com

网络: 物理系