

The Margaret Ritchie 家庭与消费者科学学院 features a Computer Aided 设计 (CAD) and Computer 研究 Lab on the second floor of the Niccolls Building.

This space primarily shared between the nutrition and apparel, 纺织和设计专业, but is available for other FCS programs as well.


  • Four student computers and one teaching computer, each equipped with Adobe Creative Suite, Optitex 数字化制模 software and SPSS for statistical analysis of research data
  • 42” color printer (can print patterns and large research posters)
  • 42” wall-mounted monitor connected to the instructor’s computer
  • 研究调查扫描仪
  • 用于视频会议的网络摄像头
  • 激光打印机
  • Glowforge激光切割机
  • 两台Lulzbot 3D打印机
  • Hovercam文档相机



The CAD/计算机研究室 provides FCS students with better tools and learning experiences. 浏览他们的评论如下:

FCS Instructor Lori Wahl taught 数字化制模 using the Optitex software now available in the CAD/计算机研究室.

Digital patterns are commonly used in modern garment development and production and allow for faster pattern creation, 简单的模式更改, automatic grading into sizes and creation of digital files that can be emailed to factories anywhere in the world.

Students are required to have completed Patternmaking and Garment Construction courses prior to taking 数字化制模, as a strong understanding of pattern drafting and garment construction is needed before creating digital patterns.

Upon completion of a set of basic patterns, students then move on to a garment design and pattern of their own choosing and adding grading, graded specifications and marker making.

“It’s exciting because it is providing me with new tools to further my career in the apparel industry and help me gain a better understanding of contemporary clothing for my garment alterations business, 改变自我.” ——切尔西·勒瓦伦

“起草过程要快得多, making it easier to realize designs in a shorter amount of time. I can play with pattern shapes in Optitex while conceptualizing the garment construction. This saves paper and time because I don’t have to draft each option separately on paper.” ——孙中山

“Learning digital patternmaking makes me feel more comfortable and confident as I prepare for a career in apparel design. I’m gaining insight and practical skills in current apparel pattern development processes.” ——阿什利·安德森

“Digital patternmaking gives you the ability to make whatever you want.” ——克里斯塔·贝克

The new technologies available in the CAD/计算机研究室 enhance undergraduate research opportunities, like dietetics student Kate Imthurn’s research for a community nutrition course.

Imthurn implemented a Vandal football team needs assessment. 在汪达尔体育俱乐部的帮助下, 萨曼莎·拉姆齐和凯蒂·布朗, she collected and analyzed data that was shared at the Washington/Idaho Academy of 营养 and Dietetics Joint Meeting and the 365滚球官网 innovation showcase in April 2014.

“My participation in undergraduate research allowed me to gain experience in the field of sports dietetics, 我追求的事业. It allowed me to see firsthand what research entails instead of just learning about it in a classroom setting."

在申请研究生院的时候, it put me above other candidates who had not participated in research. I have recently been accepted to graduate school with a, assistantship covering my full tuition and living expenses."

"It took extra time and work, but it all paid off. 不只是对我个人而言, but also for the football team who will benefit from changes instigated by the findings of this research.” ——凯特·伊姆瑟恩,营养学学生

To support the CAD/计算机研究室, contact Jen Root at 208-885-4087 or jroot@pazyrykcarpets.com.




875周界博士. MS 3183



电子邮件: famcon@pazyrykcarpets.com

网络: pazyrykcarpets.com/cals/fcs


322 E. 前街,180套房
博伊西,ID 83702



电子邮件: boise@pazyrykcarpets.com

网络: pazyrykcarpets.com/boise


1031 N. 学术之路,242室
心d 'Alene, ID 83814-2277



电子邮件: cdactr@pazyrykcarpets.com
